This is me

Let me give a small introducton. 

I am a Dutch Indo, born and raised in the Netherlands. 
I have been a corporate slave to the system for most of my life, working jobs just to make a living while my creative side and passion for art and drawing was always put on the back burner. 

A few years ago, I decided that enough was enough and I needed to to do something different with my life ... 
so I packed it all up and moved to my favourite island, Bali, Indonesia.

I decided that life should be more than just working to make ends meet, so I have been trying to find a balance and get jobs that would not only support me financialy, but would also be a creative outlet for me and allow me to just enjoy a simpler but fuller life.

The result of this quest for balance in my life is the reason I started this blog.

It will serve as a sort of work portfolio to show my accomplishments at work, but it will also show private projects, things I love here in Bali and things that I am passionate about.

At least that is what I plan to do ... so here goes nothing!


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